
Ranks in the Chinese, US and UK Armed Forces


陆军 (Army)

中国军衔 Rank in Chinese Armed Forces 美国军衔 Rank in US Armed Forces 英国军衔 Rank in UK Armed Forces
General of Army (五星上将) Field Marshal (陆军元帅)
一级上将 General First Class
上将 General General General
中将 Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Lieutenant General
少将 Major General Major General Major General
Brigadier General (准将) Brigadier Genera (准将)
大校 Senior Colonel
上校 Colonel Colonel Colonel
中校 Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel
少校 Major Major Major
上尉 captain captain captain
中尉 First Lieutenant First Lieutenant Lieutenant
少尉 Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant
军士长 Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major
专业军士 Speicalist Sergeant
上士 Sergeant, First Class Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant
中士 Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant
下士 Corporal Corporal Corporal
上等兵 Private, First Class Private, First Class (一等兵) Lance Corporal (一等兵)
列兵 Private Private (二等兵) Basic Private (三等兵) Private (二等兵) Recruit (新兵)


中国军衔 Rank in Chinese Armed Forces 美国军衔 Rank in US Armed Forces 英国军衔 Rank in UK Armed Forces
Fleet Admiral (五星上将) Admiral of the Fleet (海军元帅)
一级上将 Admiral, First Class
上将 Admiral Admiral Admiral
中将 Vice Admiral Vice Admiral Vice Admiral
少将 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral Rear Admiral
Commodore (准将) Commodore(准将)
大校 Senior captain
上校 captain captain captain
中校 Commander Commander Commander
少校 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
上尉 Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant
中尉 Lieutenant, Junior Grade Lieutenant, Junior Grade Sub-Lieutenant
少尉 Ensign Ensign Acting Sub-Lieutenant
军士长 Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Petty Officer Fleet Chief Petty Officer (舰队上士)
专业军士 Special Petty Officer
上士 Petty Officer, First Class Petty Officer, First Class Chief Petty Officer
中士 Petty Officer, Second Class Petty Officer, Second Class Petty Officer, First Class
下士 Petty Officer, Third Class Petty Officer, Third Class Petty Officer, Second Class
上等兵 Seaman, First Class Seaman, First Class (一等兵) Leading Seaman (上等水兵) Able Seaman (一等水兵)
列兵 Seaman, Second Class Seaman Apprentice (二等兵) Seaman Recruit (三等兵) Ordinary Seaman (二等水兵) Junior Seaman (新兵)

空军 (Air Force)

中国军衔 Rank in Chinese Armed Forces 美国军衔 Rank in US Armed Forces 英国军衔 Rank in UK Armed Forces
General of the Air Force (五星上将) Marshal of the Royal Air Force (皇家空军元帅)
一级上将 General, First Class
上将 General General Air Chief Marshal
中将 Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Air Marshal
少将 Major General Major General Air Vice Marshal
Brigadier General(准将) Brigadier General(准将)
大校 Senior Colonel
少校 Major Major Squadron Leader
上尉 Captain Captain Flight Lieutenant
中尉 First Lieutenant First Lieutenant Flying Officer
少尉 Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Pilot Officer
军士长 Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant
专业军士 Specialist Sergeant Technician
上士 Technical Sergeant Technical Sergeant Flight Sergeant
中士 Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant
下士 Sergeant Sergeant Corporal
上等兵 Airman, First Class Airman, First Class (一等兵) Senior Aircraftsman (一等兵)
列兵 Airman, Second Class Airman, Second Class (二等兵) Airman Basic(三等兵) Leading Aircraftsman (二等兵) Aircraftsman(新兵)

  1. 转载自中国日报网,点我跳转。 
